- amxmodx.inc
- Raw
- Functions
- Constants
// vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=99 noet:
// AMX Mod X, based on AMX Mod by Aleksander Naszko ("OLO").
// Copyright (C) The AMX Mod X Development Team.
// This software is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 3 or higher.
// Additional exceptions apply. For full license details, see LICENSE.txt or visit:
// https://alliedmods.net/amxmodx-license
#if defined _amxmodx_included
#define _amxmodx_included
#include <core>
#include <float>
#include <amxconst>
#include <string>
#include <file>
#include <vault>
#include <lang>
#include <messages>
#include <vector>
#include <sorting>
#include <cellarray>
#include <cellstack>
#include <celltrie>
#include <datapack>
#include <newmenus>
#include <textparse_smc>
#include <textparse_ini>
#include <cvars>
#include <gameconfig>
* Called just after server activation.
* @note Good place to initialize most of the plugin, such as registering
* cvars, commands or forwards, creating data structures for later use, or
* generating and loading other required configurations.
* @noreturn
forward plugin_init();
* Called just before the plugin is paused from execution.
* @noreturn
forward plugin_pause();
* Called just after the plugin is unpaused.
* @noreturn
forward plugin_unpause();
* Called when the mod tries to change the map.
* @note This is *only* called if the mod itself handles the map change. The
* server command "changelevel", which is used by many plugins, will not
* trigger this forward. Unfortunately, this means that in practice this
* forward can be unreliable and will not be called in many situations.
* @note AMXX 1.8.3 has added the engine_changelevel() function, which will utilize
* the correct engine function to change the map, and therefore trigger
* this forward.
* @param map Map that the mod tries to change to
* @return PLUGIN_CONTINUE to let the mod change the map
* PLUGIN_HANDLED or higher to prevent the map change
forward server_changelevel(map[]);
* Called when all plugins went through plugin_init()
* @note When this forward is called, most plugins should have registered their
* cvars and commands already.
* @noreturn
forward plugin_cfg();
* Called just before server deactivation and subsequent unloading of the
* plugin.
* @note The plugin is required to manually free Handles it has acquired, such
* as those from dynamic data structures. Failing to do that will result
* in the plugin and AMXX leaking memory.
* @noreturn
forward plugin_end();
* Called when a message is about to be logged.
* @note Message data and information can be retrieved using the read_log* set
* of functions.
* @return PLUGIN_CONTINUE to let the log message through
* PLUGIN_HANDLED or higher to stop the log message
forward plugin_log();
* This forward allows plugins to add models, sounds and generic files to the
* precache tables using the precache_* set of functions.
* @note Adding files to the precaching tables will trigger the client to
* download them to its local filesystem.
* @note There is a hard upper limit of entries in the precaching tables for
* every game, this limit is 512 in most cases. The entries will be filled
* and indexed incrementally. Going over this limit will crash the server.
* @noreturn
forward plugin_precache();
* Called when a clients info has changed.
* @param id Client index
* @noreturn
forward client_infochanged(id);
* Called when a client is connecting.
* @note This forward is called too early to do anything that directly affects
* the client.
* @param id Client index
* @noreturn
forward client_connect(id);
* Called when a client is connecting.
* @note This forward is called too early to do anything that directly affects
* the client.
* @param id Client index
* @param name Client name
* @param ip Client ip address with port
* @param reason A reason that will be displayed when player gets rejected (can be overwritten)
* @return PLUGIN_CONTINUE to let a client join to the server
* PLUGIN_HANDLED or higher to prevent a client to join
forward client_connectex(id, const name[], const ip[], reason[128]);
* Called when the client gets a valid SteamID.
* @note This may occur before or after client_putinserver has been called.
* @note This is called for bots, and the SteamID will be "BOT".
* @param id Client index
* @param authid Client auth
* @noreturn
forward client_authorized(id, const authid[]);
* @deprecated This function does not catch all cases.
#pragma deprecated Use client_disconnected() instead.
forward client_disconnect(id);
* Called when a client is disconnected from the server.
* @note This will be called in some additional cases that client_disconnect doesn't cover,
* most notably when a client aborts the connection process. It is guaranteed to pair
* with the client_connect() forward.
* @note When this fires the player entity is still valid (e.g. is_user_connected(id) will
* return true), but no networked commands will reach the client.
* @param id Client index
* @param drop If true, the game has explicitly dropped the client
* @param message If drop is true, a writable buffer containing the disconnect info message
* @param maxlen Maximum size of buffer
* @noreturn
forward client_disconnected(id, bool:drop, message[], maxlen);
* Called when a client entity has been removed from the server.
* @note This fires after the client_disconnected() forward, when the player entity has been
* removed (e.g. is_user_connected(id) will return false).
* @param id Client index
* @param drop If true, the game has explicitly dropped the client
* @param message If drop is true, contains the disconnect info message
* @noreturn
forward client_remove(id, bool:drop, const message[]);
* Called when a client attempts to execute a command.
* @note The command and its arguments can be read using the read_arg* set of
* functions.
* @param id Client index
* @return PLUGIN_CONTINUE to let the client execute the command
* PLUGIN_HANDLED or higher to stop the command
forward client_command(id);
* Called when a client is entering the game.
* @note It is not defined whether the client already has a SteamID when this
* forward is called. client_authorized may occur either before or after
* this.
* @param id Client index
* @noreturn
forward client_putinserver(id);
* Sets informations about the calling plugin.
* @param plugin_name Name of the plugin
* @param version Version of the plugin
* @param author Author of the plugin
* @return Plugin id of the calling plugin
native register_plugin(const plugin_name[], const version[], const author[]);
* Precaches a model file.
* @note Can only be used inside of the plugin_precache() forward.
* @param name Path to the model file
* @return Unique cache id of the model
* @error If called outside of the plugin_precache() forward, an error is
* thrown.
native precache_model(const name[]);
* Precaches a sound file.
* @note Can only be used inside of the plugin_precache() forward.
* @note The filepath is always relative to the "sound" folder, and the file has
* to be a wav file. Precaching a file with this will add it to the engine
* sound table, making it available for usage in emit_sound() for example.
* @note Precaching other filetypes (such as mp3 music), optionally in different
* locations, has to be done with precache_generic()
* @param name Path to the sound file
* @return Unique cache id of the sound
* @error If called outside of the plugin_precache() forward, an error is
* thrown.
native precache_sound(const name[]);
* Precaches a generic file.
* @note Can only be used inside of the plugin_precache() forward.
* @note Precaching sounds with this will not add them to the engine sound table.
* @param szFile Path to the file
* @return Unique cache id of the file
* @error If called outside of the plugin_precache() forward, an error
* is thrown.
native precache_generic(const szFile[]);
* Precaches an event file.
* @note The event type should always be 1.
* @note Contrary to the other precache_* natives, this can be used outside of
* the plugin_precache() forward, e.g. in plugin_init() or plugin_cfg().
* A bug in some clients makes this necessary, as plugin_precache() is
* called before the mod has precached its own, default event files. This
* can cause the event table to be misaligned on the client, leading to
* visual and audio bugs that are hard to diagnose.
* @param type Event type
* @param Name Formatting rules, path to the event file
* @param ... Variable number of formatting parameters
* @return Unique cache id of the event
native precache_event(type, const Name[], any:...);
* Changes the map.
* @note This calls the pfnChangelLevel engine function.
* @note This has the same behavior as using the "changelevel" server command,
* but will also trigger the server_changelevel() forward in AMXX
* plugins. It will also notify any Metamod plugins that are hooking
* the pfnChangeLevel function.
* @param map Map name to change to
* @noreturn
native engine_changelevel(const map[]);
* Sets info on the client.
* @param index Client index
* @param info Info key
* @param value New value
* @noreturn
* @error If the index is not within the range of 1 to MaxClients or
* the client is not connected, an error will be thrown.
native set_user_info(index, const info[], const value[]);
* Gets info from the client.
* @param index Client index
* @param info Info key
* @param output Buffer to copy value to
* @param len Maximum size of the buffer
* @return Number of cells written to buffer
* @error If the index is not within the range of 1 to MaxClients or
* the client is not connected, an error will be thrown.
native get_user_info(index, const info[], output[], len);
* Sets info on the server.
* @param info Info key
* @param value New value
* @noreturn
native set_localinfo(const info[], const value[]);
* Gets info from the server.
* @param info Info key
* @param output Buffer to copy value to
* @param len Maximum size of the buffer
* @return Number of cells written to buffer
native get_localinfo(const info[], output[], len);
* Shows text or a file in MOTD window.
* @param player Client index, use 0 to display to all clients
* @param message Message to display inside the MOTD window, if this is a
* filename the contents of this file will be displayed
* @param header Text for the MOTD header, if empty the servers hostname will
* be displayed instead
* @noreturn
native show_motd(player, const message[], const header[] = "");
* Sends a message to the client.
* @note This functions return value behaves differently depending on what is
* used as the client index: If 0 is specified, then the function will
* return 0 if nothing has been sent (no client connected). If either a
* single client is specified or there is at least one client connected,
* the number of printed characters will refer to the message that is sent
* last, to the client with the highest index.
* @param index Client index, use 0 to display to all clients
* @param type Message type, see print_* destination constants in
* amxconst.inc
* @param message Formatting rules
* @param ... Variable number of formatting parameters
* @return Number of printed characters
* @error If a single client is specified and the index is not within
* the range of 1 to MaxClients, an error will be thrown.
native client_print(index, type, const message[], any:...);
* Sends colored chat messages to clients.
* @note This only works in Counter-Strike 1.6 and Condition Zero.
* @note The colors can be modified inside of the format string using special
* characters. These characters can be included using the escape character
* green x04 ; use location color from this point forward
* red/blue/grey x03 ; use team color from this point forward
* red/blue/grey x02 ; use team color to the end of the client name
* ; This only works at the start of the string,
* ; and precludes using other control characters
* default x01 ; use default color from this point forward
* @note The team color is defined by the sender's index. Alternatively, a
* specific team color can be enforced using the print_team_* constants in
* amxconst.inc
* @note Usage examples:
* client_print_color(id, print_team_red, "^4Green ^3Red ^1Default")
* client_print_color(id, id2, "^4Green ^3id2's team color, ^1Default")
* @note Including colors in ML can be done using the same escaping method:
* EXAMPLE_ML_KEY = ^4Green ^3Team color ^1Default
* @note This functions return value behaves differently depending on what is
* used as the client index: If 0 is specified, then the function will
* return 0 if nothing has been sent (no client connected). If either a
* single client is specified, or there is at least one client connected,
* the number of printed characters will refer to the message that is sent
* last, to the client with the highest index.
* @param index Client index, use 0 to display to all clients
* @param sender Client index used as the message sender
* @param fmt Formatting rules
* @param ... Variable number of formatting parameters
* @return Number of printed characters
* @error If a single client is specified and the index is not within
* the range of 1 to MaxClients, an error will be thrown.
native client_print_color(index, sender, const message[], any:...);
* Sends a message to the client via the engine.
* @note This functions return value behaves differently depending on what is
* used as the client index: If 0 is specified, then the function will
* return 0 if nothing has been sent (no client connected). If either a
* single client is specified, or there is at least one client connected,
* the number of printed characters will refer to the message that is sent
* last, to the client with the highest index.
* @param player Client index, use 0 to display to all clients
* @param type Message type, see engprint_* destination constants in
* amxconst.inc
* @param message Formatting rules
* @param ... Variable number of formatting parameters
* @return Number of printed characters
* @error If a single client is specified and the index is not within
* the range of 1 to MaxClients, an error will be thrown.
native engclient_print(player, type, const message[], any:...);
* Sends a message to the console of a client or the server.
* @param index Client index, or 0 to print to the server console
* @param message Formatting rules
* @param ... Variable number of formatting parameters
* @return Number of printed characters
* @error If a single client is specified and the index is not within
* the range of 1 to MaxClients, an error will be thrown.
native console_print(id, const message[], any:...);
* Executes a command from the specified client or the server console.
* @param id Client index, or 0 to execute from the server console
* @param cmd Formatting rules
* @param ... Variable number of formatting parameters
* @return Length of the formatted command
native console_cmd(id, const cmd[], any:...);
* Registers a function to be called on a given game event.
* @note Please consider using register_event_ex() instead which allows you to
* use named constants for flags instead of letters.
* @note Examples for event conditions:
* "2=c4" - Second parameter of message must be the string "c4"
* "3>10" - Third parameter of message must be greater than 10
* "3!4" - Third parameter of message must not be equal to 4
* "2&Buy" - Second parameter of message must contain "Buy" substring
* "2!Buy" - Second parameter of message must not equal "Buy"
* @note Due to a long-standing bug that would break compatibility with older
* plugins, the client id should be checked for alive/dead state if using
* flags "d" or "e".
* @note If multiple conditions are specified for a single parameter, only one
* of them has to hold true for the event function to be called.
* @param event Name of event that should be hooked
* @param function Name of callback function
* @param flags Flags used for filtering events, the valid flags are:
* "a" - Global event (sent to every client)
* "b" - Event sent to single client
* "c" - Call only once when repeated to multiple clients
* "d" - Call only if sent to dead client
* "e" - Call only if sent to alive client
* "f" - Call only if sent to human client ("b" flag required)
* "g" - Call only if sent to bot ("b" flag required)
* @param cond Condition string used for filtering events, built as:
* "<argument number><comparison operator><value>"
* Argument number is the argument position to be filtered
* The comparison operator may be:
* - "=" for equality comparison (all argument types)
* - "!" for inequality comparison (all argument types)
* - "&" for bitwise and (int argument) or substring
* comparison (string argument)
* - "<" for less than comparison (int/float arguments)
* - ">" for greater than comparison (int/float arguments)
* The argument is compared to the specified value accordingly
* @param ... Any number of additional conditions
* @return Event handle
* @error If an invalid event name or callback function is provided,
* an error will be thrown.
native register_event(const event[], const function[], const flags[], const cond[] = "", ...);
* Registers a function to be called on a given game event.
* @note Examples for event conditions:
* "2=c4" - Second parameter of message must be the string "c4"
* "3>10" - Third parameter of message must be greater than 10
* "3!4" - Third parameter of message must not be equal to 4
* "2&Buy" - Second parameter of message must contain "Buy" substring
* "2!Buy" - Second parameter of message must not equal "Buy"
* @note Due to a long-standing bug that would break compatibility with older
* plugins, the client id should be checked for alive/dead state if using
* flags "d" or "e".
* @note If multiple conditions are specified for a single parameter, only one
* of them has to hold true for the event function to be called.
* @param event Name of event that should be hooked
* @param function Name of callback function
* @param flags Flags used for filtering events (enum RegisterEventFlags); the valid flags are:
* RegisterEvent_Global - Global event (sent to every client)
* RegisterEvent_Single - Event sent to single client
* RegisterEvent_OnceForMultiple - Call only once when repeated to multiple clients
* RegisterEvent_OnlyDead - Call only if sent to dead client
* RegisterEvent_OnlyAlive - Call only if sent to alive client
* RegisterEvent_OnlyHuman - Call only if sent to human client (RegisterEvent_Single required)
* RegisterEvent_OnlyBots - Call only if sent to bot (RegisterEvent_Single required)
* @param cond Condition string used for filtering events, built as:
* "<argument number><comparison operator><value>"
* Argument number is the argument position to be filtered
* The comparison operator may be:
* "=" for equality comparison (all argument types)
* "!" for inequality comparison (all argument types)
* "&" for bitwise and (int argument) or substring
* comparison (string argument)
* "<" for less than comparison (int/float arguments)
* ">" for greater than comparison (int/float arguments)
* The argument is compared to the specified value accordingly
* @param ... Any number of additional conditions
* @return Event handle
* @error If an invalid event name or callback function is provided,
* an error will be thrown.
native register_event_ex(const event[], const function[], RegisterEventFlags:flags, const cond[] = "", ...);
* Enables a function hook of a game event which has been previously registered with register_event_ex().
* @param handle Value returned from register_event() or register_event_ex()
* @noreturn
* @error If an invalid handle is provided, an error will be thrown.
native enable_event(handle);
* Disables a function hook of a game event which has been previously registered with register_event_ex().
* @param handle Value returned from register_event() or register_event_ex()
* @noreturn
* @error If an invalid handle is provided, an error will be thrown.
native disable_event(handle);
* Registers a function to be called on a given log event.
* @note Examples for log conditions:
* "0 = World triggered" "1 = Game_Commencing"
* "1 = say"
* "3 = Terrorists_Win"
* "1 = entered the game"
* "0 = Server cvar"
* @param function Name of callback function
* @param argsnum Number of arguments of the log event
* @param ... Any number of conditions used for filtering events
* A condition string is built as:
* "<argument number><comparison operator><string>"
* Argument number is the argument position to be filtered
* The comparison operator may be:
* - "=" for equality comparison
* - "&" for substring comparison
* The argument is compared to the specified string accordingly
* @return Log event handle
* @error If an invalid callback function is provided, an error will
* be thrown.
native register_logevent(const function[], argsnum, ...);
* Enables a function hook of a game log event which has been previously registered with register_logevent().
* @param handle Value returned from register_logevent()
* @noreturn
* @error If an invalid handle is provided, an error will be thrown.
native enable_logevent(handle);
* Disables a function hook of a game log event which has been previously registered with register_logevent().
* @param handle Value returned from register_logevent()
* @noreturn
* @error If an invalid handle is provided, an error will be thrown.
native disable_logevent(handle);
* Sets display parameters for hudmessages.
* @note As of AMXX 1.61, setting the channel to -1 will automatically choose
* the next available HUD channel for the client.
* @note There are four different HUD channels available on the client (1-4).
* Sending a hudmessage to a channel will overwrite any existing messages
* already displaying on that channel.
* @note If you plan to create a permanent message, don't forget to specify a
* specific channel to avoid possible flickering due to auto-channeling.
* @note For the hudmessage coordinates x and y, -1.0 will center the message
* on the respective axis.
* @note These parameters stay until the next call to set_hudmessage overwrites
* them. Multiple calls to show_hudmessage will therefore re-use the same
* parameters. The parameters are not stored per-plugin, so other plugins
* can overwrite them.
* @param red Red component of hudmessage color
* @param green Green component of hudmessage color
* @param blue Blue component of hudmessage color
* @param x Location of the message on the x axis in percent
* @param y Location of the message on the y axis in percent
* @param effects Display effect
* @param fxtime Duration of the effect
* @param holdtime Time the message stays on screen
* @param fadeintime Time it takes the message to fully appear (fade-in)
* @param fadeouttime Time it takes the message to fully disappear (fade-out)
* @param channel Channel to use on the client
* @noreturn
native set_hudmessage(red = 200, green = 100, blue = 0, Float:x = -1.0, Float:y = 0.35, effects = 0, Float:fxtime = 6.0, Float:holdtime = 12.0, Float:fadeintime = 0.1, Float:fadeouttime = 0.2, channel = -1);
* Displays a message on the client HUD.
* @note Use set_hudmessage to define how the message should look on screen.
* @note This functions return value behaves differently depending on what is
* used as the client index: If 0 is specified, then the function will
* return 0 if nothing has been sent (no client connected). If either a
* single client is specified, or there is at least one client connected,
* the number of printed characters will refer to the message that is sent
* last, to the client with the highest index.
* @param index Client index, use 0 to display to all clients
* @param message Formatting rules
* @param ... Variable number of formatting parameters
* @return Number of printed characters
* @error If a single client is specified and the index is not within
* the range of 1 to MaxClients, an error will be thrown.
native show_hudmessage(index, const message[], any:...);
* Sets display parameters for director hudmessages.
* @note For the hudmessage coordinates x and y, -1.0 will center the message
* on the respective axis.
* @note These parameters stay until the next call to set_dhudmessage overwrites
* them. Multiple calls to show_dhudmessage will therefore re-use the same
* parameters. The parameters are not stored per-plugin, so other plugins
* can overwrite them.
* @param red Red component of hudmessage color
* @param green Green component of hudmessage color
* @param blue Blue component of hudmessage color
* @param x Location of the message on the x axis in percent
* @param y Location of the message on the y axis in percent
* @param effects Display effect
* @param fxtime Duration of the effect
* @param holdtime Time the message stays on screen
* @param fadeintime Time it takes the message to fully appear (fade-in)
* @param fadeouttime Time it takes the message to fully disappear (fade-out)
* @noreturn
native set_dhudmessage(red = 200, green = 100, blue = 0, Float:x = -1.0, Float:y = 0.35, effects = 0, Float:fxtime = 6.0, Float:holdtime = 12.0, Float:fadeintime = 0.1, Float:fadeouttime = 0.2);
* Displays a director message on the client HUD.
* @note Use set_dhudmessage to define how the message should look on screen.
* @note Unlike the classic HUD message, which is channel-based, director
* messages are stack-based. You can have up to 8 messages displaying at
* once. If more are added, they will be overwritten in the order they were
* sent. There is no way to clear a specific message.
* @note The message has a maximum length of 128 characters which this function
* will automatically enforce.
* @note This functions return value behaves differently depending on what is
* used as the client index: If 0 is specified, then the function will
* return 0 if nothing has been sent (no client connected). If either a
* single client is specified, or there is at least one client connected,
* the number of printed characters will refer to the message that is sent
* last, to the client with the highest index.
* @param index Client index, use 0 to display to all clients
* @param message Formatting rules
* @param ... Variable number of formatting parameters
* @return Number of printed characters
* @error If a single client is specified and the index is not within
* the range of 1 to MaxClients, an error will be thrown.
native show_dhudmessage(index, const message[], any:...);
* Displays a menu to the client.
* @note Keys is a bitflag value that represents which keys the user can press
* on the menu. If you want to display disabled menu options, or skip
* certain number slots, you should exclude that key from the bitflag.
* amxconst.inc provides MENU_KEY_* constants for convenience.
* @note The title parameter is not displayed to the client and is only used for
* identifying menus internally and assigning them to their callbacks.
* The title corresponds to the menu name that you register with
* register_menuid()
* @param index Client to display menu to, use 0 to display to all clients
* @param keys Enabled keys
* @param menu Menu body
* @param time Menu timeout in seconds, -1 to disable
* @param title Name of the menu for internal tracking purposes
* @return 1 on success, 0 if menu could not be displayed (client not
* connected)
* @error If a single client is specified and the index is not within
* the range of 1 to MaxClients, an error will be thrown.
native show_menu(index, keys, const menu[], time = -1, const title[] = "");
* Retrieves values from a client message.
* @note For use within callbacks registered with register_event_ex()
* @note Usage examples:
* value = read_data(1);
* read_data(2, floatvalue);
* written = read_data(3, buffer, buffersize);
* @param value Argument number to retrieve value from
* @param ... Changes the native's behavior depending on how many
* additional parameters are provided:
* 0 - Return the argument integer value directly
* 1 - Store the argument float value in the variable passed
* as the second parameter
* 2 - Copy the argument string value to the buffer provided
* in the second parameter, using the third as the
* maximum buffer size
* @return Changes depending on how many additional parameters are
* provided:
* 0 - Returns the argument integer value
* 1 - Returns the argument float value, converted
* (truncated) to an integer
* 2 - Returns the number of cells written to the buffer
native read_data(value, any:...);
* Returns the number of values in the client message.
* @note For use within callbacks registered with register_event_ex()
* @return Number of values in client message
native read_datanum();
* Returns the message id of the client message.
* @note For use within callbacks registered with register_event_ex()
* @return Message id of the client message
native read_datatype();
* Retrieves current log message.
* @note Should only be used inside of the plugin_log() forward.
* @param output Buffer to copy log message to
* @param len Maximum buffer size
* @return Number of cells written to buffer
native read_logdata(output[], len);
* Returns number of log message arguments.
* @note Should only be used inside of the plugin_log() forward.
* @return Number of arguments in the log message
native read_logargc();
* Retrieves argument of log message.
* @note Should only be used inside of the plugin_log() forward.
* @param id Argument index, starting from 0
* @param output Buffer to copy log argument to
* @param len Maximum buffer size
* @return Number of cells written to buffer
native read_logargv(id, output[], len);
* Parse log data about client.
* @note When client actions are logged, they appear in the the format
* "Name<#userid><SteamID><teamname>", this native extracts the individual
* pieces of information.
* @param text String to process
* @param name Buffer to copy client name to
* @param nlen Maximum name buffer size
* @param userid Variable to store userid in
* @param authid Buffer to copy client authid to
* @param alen Maximum auth buffer size
* @param team Buffer to copy client team to
* @param tlen Maximum team buffer size
* @noreturn
* @error If the provided string is not valid client log data, an
* error will be thrown.
native parse_loguser(const text[], name[], nlen, &userid =-2, authid[] = "", alen = 0, team[] = "", tlen = 0);
* Sends a message to the console of the server.
* @param message Formatting rules
* @param ... Variable number of formatting parameters
* @return Number of printed characters
native server_print(const message[], any:...);
* Returns if the given mapname is deemed valid by the engine.
* @param mapname Name of the map
* @return 1 if the map name is valid, 0 otherwise
native is_map_valid(const mapname[]);
* Returns if the client is a bot.
* @param index Client index
* @return 1 if client is a bot, 0 otherwise
native is_user_bot(index);
* Returns if the client is a HLTV proxy.
* @param index Client index
* @return 1 if client is a HLTV proxy, 0 otherwise
native is_user_hltv(index);
* Returns if the client is connected.
* @note This does not throw an error if the provided index is out of the
* 1 to MaxClients range. That means you can safely use this native
* without manually verifying that the index is a valid client index.
* @param index Client index
* @return 1 if client is connected, 0 otherwise
native is_user_connected(index);
* Returns if the client is connecting.
* @param index Client index
* @return 1 if client is connecting, 0 otherwise
native is_user_connecting(index);
* Returns if the client is alive.
* @note This will never return true if a client is not connected. If you need
* to know whether a client is alive, an additional call to
* is_user_connected() is unnecessary.
* @param index Client index
* @return 1 if client is alive, 0 otherwise
native is_user_alive(index);
* Returns if the server is a dedicated server.
* @return 1 if server is a dedicated server, 0 otherwise
native is_dedicated_server();
* Returns if the server is running on Linux.
* @return 1 if server is running on Linux, 0 otherwise
native is_linux_server();
* Returns if the AMXX installation has the JIT enabled.
* @return 1 if JIT is enabled, 0 otherwise
native is_jit_enabled();
* Retrieves the version string of the AMXX installation.
* @param buffer Buffer to copy version to
* @param length Maximum buffer size
* @return Number of cells written to the buffer
native get_amxx_verstring(buffer[], length);
* Returns the last known attacker of a client.
* @note As of AMXX 1.75 this can return a non-client entity index if the client
* was attacked by a non-client entity.
* @param index Client index
* @param ... If provided, the attacker weapon will be stored in an
* optional second parameter, and the body hit place will be
* stored in an optional third parameter
* @return Attacker client index, a non-client entity or 0 if no
* attacker was found
* @error If the client index is not within the range of 1 to
* MaxClients, an error will be thrown.
native get_user_attacker(index, ...);
* Traces the client's current aim vector to see if it hits something.
* @note If the trace does not hit a client, id and body will be set to 0.
* @note If the trace hits nothing within the specified distance, 0 is returned.
* @note For a list of possible body hitplaces see the HIT_* constants in amxconst.inc.
* @param index Client index to trace aim from
* @param id Variable to store hit client index (if applicable)
* @param body Variable to store hit client body part (if applicable)
* @param dist Maximum distance of the trace
* @return Distance between the trace start and end point
* @error If the client index is not within the range of 1 to
* MaxClients, an error will be thrown.
native Float:get_user_aiming(index, &id, &body = HIT_GENERIC, dist = 9999);
* Returns the client's frags.
* @note While this is mod-independent, the mod may track frag count differently,
* so it can only be retrieved using another native or other methods.
* @note This will actually return the client's overall score, which may or may
* not be equal to their scored frags depending on the mod.
* @param index Client index
* @return Frags/Score of the client. Also returns 0 if the client is
* not connected or the index is not within the range of
* 1 to MaxClients
native get_user_frags(index);
* Returns the client's armor value.
* @note While this is mod-independent, the mod may track armor data differently,
* so it can only be retrieved using another native or other methods.
* @param index Client index
* @return Amount of armor the client has. Also returns 0 if the client
* is not connected or the index is not within the range of
* 1 to MaxClients
native get_user_armor(index);
* Returns the client's death count.
* @note While this is mod-independent, the mod may track death count differently,
* so it can only be retrieved using another native or other methods.
* @param index Client index
* @return Amount of deaths the client has. Also returns 0 if the
* client is not connected or the index is not within the range
* of 1 to MaxClients
native get_user_deaths(index);
* Returns the client's health points.
* @note While this is mod-independent, the mod may track health points
* differently, so it can only be retrieved using another native or other
* methods.
* @param index Client index
* @return Amount of health points the client has. Also returns 0 if
* the client is not connected or the index is not within the
* range of 1 to MaxClients
native get_user_health(index);
* Retrieves a client's index by name.
* @param name Name to search for
* @return Client index on success, 0 otherwise
native get_user_index(const name[]);
* Retrieves the IP of a client or the server.
* @param index Client index, use 0 to retrieve the server IP
* @param ip Buffer to copy IP to
* @param len Maximum buffer size
* @param without_port Remove the port from the IP if nonzero
* @return Number of cells written to the buffer
native get_user_ip(index, ip[], len, without_port = 0);
* Returns if the client has the specified weapon in their inventory.
* @param index Client index
* @param weapon Weapon index
* @param setweapon If zero the weapon bit will be removed from the client's
* inventory, if 1 it will be set
* @return 1 if the weapon is present, 0 if it is not
* @error If the client index is not within the range of 1 to
* MaxClients, an error will be thrown.
native user_has_weapon(index, weapon, setweapon = -1);
* Returns weapon index of the currently carried weapon. Also allows retrieval
* of ammo in the clip and backpack.
* @param index Client index
* @param clip Optional variable to store clip ammo to
* @param ammo Optional variable to store backpack ammo to
* @return Weapon index on success or 0 if the client is not connected
* @error If the client index is not within the range of 1 to
* MaxClients, an error will be thrown.
native get_user_weapon(index, &clip = 0, &ammo = 0);
* Retrieves ammo in the clip and backpack of the specified weapon.
* @param index Client index
* @param weapon Weapon index
* @param clip Variable to store clip ammo to
* @param ammo Variable to store backpack ammo to
* @return 1 on success or 0 if the client is not connected
* @error If the client index is not within the range of 1 to
* MaxClients or the weapon index is invalid, an error will
* be thrown.
native get_user_ammo(index, weapon, &clip, &ammo);
* Converts an integer to a text string.
* @note The conversion algorithm is limited to a certain range of numbers, but
* is guaranteed to work correctly for all numbers from 0 to 999. Outside
* of that range, the conversion will result in an incorrect string, but
* will not fail.
* @note The conversion is to english text, there is no way to change this.
* @param num Integer to convert
* @param output Buffer to copy string to
* @param len Maximum buffer size
* @return Number of cells written to buffer
native num_to_word(num, output[], len);
* Returns the team id of the client, and optionally retrieves the name of
* the team.
* @param index Client index
* @param team Buffer to copy team name to
* @param len Maximum size of buffer
* @return Team index on success, -1 if client index is invalid or
* the client is not connected
native get_user_team(index, team[] = "", len = 0);
* Returns client's playing time in seconds.
* @param index Client index
* @param flag If nonzero, the result will not include the time it took
* the client to connect.
* @return Connection time in seconds, 0 if client index is invalid or
* client is not connected
native get_user_time(index, flag = 0);
* Retrieves the ping and loss of a client.
* @param index Client index
* @param ping Variable to store ping in
* @param loss Variable to store loss in
* @return 1 on success, 0 if client index is invalid or the client
* is not connected
native get_user_ping(index, &ping, &loss);
* Retrieves an origin related to the client.
* @param index Client index
* @param origin Array to store origin in
* @param mode What type of origin to retrieve:
* 0 - current position
* 1 - position of eyes (and weapon)
* 2 - aim end position from client position
* 3 - aim end position from eyes (hit point for weapon)
* 4 - position of last bullet hit (only for Counter-Strike)
* @return 1 on success, 0 if client is not connected
* @error If the client index is not within the range of 1 to
* MaxClients, an error will be thrown.
native get_user_origin(index, origin[3], mode = 0);
* Retrieves all weapons in the client inventory, stores them in an array, and
* returns the inventory as a bitflag sum.
* @note Make sure that num has an initial value of 0 or the native will not
* work correctly.
* @param index Client index
* @param weapons Array to store weapon indexes in
* @param num Variable to store number of weapons in the inventory to
* @return Bitflag sum of weapon indexes, 0 if client is not connected
* @error If the client index is not within the range of 1 to
* MaxClients, an error will be thrown.
native get_user_weapons(index, weapons[32], &num);
* Retrieves the full name of a weapon.
* @param id Weapon index
* @param weapon Buffer to copy name to
* @param len Maximum buffer size
* @return Number of cells written to buffer
native get_weaponname(id, weapon[], len);
* Retrieves the name of a client or the server.
* @param index Client index, or 0 to retrieve the server hostname
* @param name Buffer to copy name to
* @param len Maximum buffer size
* @return Number of cells written to buffer
native get_user_name(index, name[], len);
* Retrieves the SteamID of a client.
* @note The SteamID is only available once the client_authorized() forward has
* been called for the client.
* @param index Client index
* @param authid Buffer to copy auth to
* @param len Maximum buffer size
* @return Number of cells written to buffer
native get_user_authid(index, authid[], len);
* Returns the userid of a client.
* @param index Client index
* @return Client userid, 0 if the userid is not available or the
* client index is invalid
native get_user_userid(index);
* Slaps the client with specified power. Killing the client if applicable.
* @note This removes "power" amount of health from the client, performing
* a kill if they have no health left after the slap.
* @note The function will apply a velocity to the client that is independent
* of the slap power. The slap direction can be influenced by the third
* parameter.
* @param index Client index
* @param power Power of the slap
* @param rnddir If set to zero the player will be slapped along it's aim
* vector, otherwise the direction will be randomized
* @return 1 if user is alive and slap succeeded, 0 otherwise
native user_slap(index, power, rnddir = 1);
* Kills a client.
* @param index Client index
* @param flag If nonzero, the death will not affect the client's score
* @return 1 on success, 0 if client index is invalid or the client
* is not connected
native user_kill(index, flag = 0);
* Logs a message to the current AMXX log file.
* @note The message will automatically be tagged with the plugin's name and the
* log will include a timestamp with the message.
* @param string Formatting rules
* @param ... Variable number of formatting parameters
* @noreturn
native log_amx(const string[], any:...);
* Logs a message to the current server log file.
* @note The log will include a timestamp with the message.
* @param string Formatting rules
* @param ... Variable number of formatting parameters
* @return Number of printed characters
native log_message(const message[], any:...);
* Logs a message hookable by plugins to the current server log file.
* @note The log will include a timestamp with the message.
* @note The message can be hooked using "register_logevent".
* @param string Formatting rules
* @param ... Variable number of formatting parameters
* @return Number of printed characters
native elog_message(const message[], any:...);
* Logs a message to the specified file
* @note The log will include a timestamp with the message.
* @param string Formatting rules
* @param ... Variable number of formatting parameters
* @noreturn
native log_to_file(const file[], const message[], any:...);
* Returns the number of clients on the server.
* @param flag Count clients still in the connecting process if nonzero
* @return Number of clients on the server
native get_playersnum(flag = 0);
* Stores a filtered list of client indexes to an array.
* @note Please consider using get_players_ex() instead which allows you to
* use named constants for flags instead of letters.
* @note Example retrieving all alive CTs: get_players(players, num "ae", "CT")
* @param players Array to store indexes to
* @param num Variable to store number of indexes to
* @param flags Optional list of filtering flags:
* "a" - do not include dead clients
* "b" - do not include alive clients
* "c" - do not include bots
* "d" - do not include human clients
* "e" - match with team
* "f" - match with part of name
* "g" - match case insensitive
* "h" - do not include HLTV proxies
* "i" - include connecting clients
* @param team String to match against if the "e" or "f" flag is specified
* @noreturn
native get_players(players[MAX_PLAYERS], &num, const flags[] = "", const team[] = "");
* Retrieves argument of client command as string.
* @note Should only be used inside of the client_command() forward.
* @param id Argument index starting from 1, 0 returns the command itself
* @param output Buffer to copy command argument to
* @param len Maximum buffer size
* @return Number of cells written to buffer
native read_argv(id, output[], len);
* Retrieves argument of client command as integer value.
* @note Should only be used inside of the client_command() forward.
* @param id Argument index starting from 1
* @return Integer value
native read_argv_int(id);
* Retrieves argument of client command as float value.
* @note Should only be used inside of the client_command() forward.
* @param id Argument index starting from 1
* @return Float value
native Float:read_argv_float(id);
* Retrieves full client command string.
* @note Should only be used inside of the client_command() forward.
* @param output Buffer to copy command line to
* @param len Maximum buffer size
* @return Number of cells written to buffer
native read_args(output[], len);
* Returns number of client command arguments.
* @note Should only be used inside of the client_command() forward.
* @note This count includes the command itself. I.e. in a command with 4
* arguments, this will return 5.
* @return Number of arguments in the command
native read_argc();
* Converts a flag string to a bitflag value.
* @note Example: The string "abcd" represents the sum of 1, 2, 4, and 8 - or
* (1<<0)|(1<<1)|(1<<2)|(1<<3). The function will return 15.
* @param flags Flag string to convert
* @return Bitflag value
native read_flags(const flags[]);
* Converts a bitflag value to a flag string.
* @note Example: The value 3 will yield the string "ab"
* @param flags Bitflag value to convert
* @param output Buffer to copy flag string to
* @param len Maximum buffer size
* @return Number of cells written to buffer
native get_flags(flags, output[], len);
* Find a player given a filter.
* @note Please consider using find_player_ex() instead which allows you to
* use named constants for flags instead of letters.
* @note If matching by userid, do not also specify the "a", "b" or "c" flags,
* or the function may not return a correct result.
* @param flags List of filtering flags:
* "a" - match with name
* "b" - match with name substring
* "c" - match with authid
* "d" - match with ip
* "e" - match with team name
* "f" - do not include dead clients
* "g" - do not include alive clients
* "h" - do not include bots
* "i" - do not include human clients
* "j" - return last matched client instead of the first
* "k" - match with userid
* "l" - match case insensitively
* "m" - include connecting clients
* @param ... String to match against (integer if "k" flag is specified)
* @return Client index, or 0 if no client was found
native find_player(const flags[], ...);
* Find a player given a filter.
* @note If matching by userid, do not also specify FindPlayer_MatchName, FindPlayer_MatchNameSubstring
* or FindPlayer_MatchAuthId, or the function may not return a correct result.
* @param flags Filtering flags (enum FindPlayerFlags); valid flags are:
* FindPlayer_MatchName - match with name
* FindPlayer_MatchNameSubstring - match with name substring
* FindPlayer_MatchAuthId - match with authid
* FindPlayer_MatchIP - match with ip
* FindPlayer_MatchTeam - match with team name
* FindPlayer_ExcludeDead - do not include dead clients
* FindPlayer_ExcludeAlive - do not include alive clients
* FindPlayer_ExcludeBots - do not include bots
* FindPlayer_ExcludeHuman - do not include human clients
* FindPlayer_LastMatched - return last matched client instead of the first
* FindPlayer_MatchUserId - match with userid
* FindPlayer_CaseInsensitive - match case insensitively
* FindPlayer_IncludeConnecting - include connecting clients
* @param ... String to match against (integer if FindPlayer_MatchUserId is specified)
* @return Client index, or 0 if no client was found
native find_player_ex(FindPlayerFlags:flags, ...);
* Removes double-quotes from the beginning and end of a string.
* @note If the string only has a double-quote at either the start *or* the end,
* and not both, the function will do nothing.
* @note The function does not perform any trimming per-se. But if a
* double-quote is found at the beginning of the string, it will remove
* one ^r (carriage return) character at the end of the string if present,
* even if no matching double-quote is found. This is for convenience.
* @param text String to remove double-quotes from
* @return 1 if matching double-quotes have been removed, 0 otherwise
native remove_quotes(text[]);
* Executes a command on the client.
* @note Executing malicious commands on the client ("slowhacking") is frowned
* upon.
* @note Valve has introduced a command filter to Counter-Strike 1.6. It is not
* possible to execute many commands if the client has opted in to this.
* @param index Client index, use 0 to execute on all clients
* @param command Formatting rules
* @param ... Variable number of formatting parameters
* @return Length of formatted command string
* @error If a single client is specified and the index is not within
* the range of 1 to MaxClients, an error will be thrown.
native client_cmd(index, const command[], any:...);
* Execute a command from the client without actually sending it to the client's
* DLL.
* @note This emulates a client command on the server side, and is an excellent
* tool to force a client to do certain actions related to the game.
* @note The command has to stand alone in the command parameter, only add
* arguments using the designated parameters.
* @note Commands emulated using this function will not trigger plugin command
* hooks. For an alternative that does, see amxclient_cmd()
* @param index Client index, use 0 to execute from all clients
* @param command Client command to execute on
* @param arg1 Optional command arguments
* @param arg2 Optional command arguments
* @noreturn
* @error If a single client is specified and the index is not within
* the range of 1 to MaxClients, an error will be thrown.
native engclient_cmd(index, const command[], const arg1[] = "", const arg2[] = "");
* Execute a command from the client without actually sending it to the client's
* DLL. This triggers plugin command hooks.
* @note This emulates a client command on the server side, and is an excellent
* tool to force a client to do certain actions related to the game.
* @note The command has to stand alone in the command parameter, only add
* arguments using the designated parameters.
* @note Commands emulated using this function will trigger other plugin's
* command hooks. For an alternative that doesn't, see engclient_cmd()
* @param index Client index, use 0 to execute from all clients
* @param command Client command to execute on
* @param arg1 Optional command arguments
* @param arg2 Optional command arguments
* @noreturn
* @error If a single client is specified and the index is not within
* the range of 1 to MaxClients, an error will be thrown.
native amxclient_cmd(index, const command[], const arg1[] = "", const arg2[] = "");
* Queues a command to be executed from the server console.
* @note Warning: This is a potential source of command injection. Do not feed
* client-controlled input (including client names) to this function
* without sanitizing it first.
* @note The queued commands will be executed by the engine on the next frame.
* If you require them to be executed immediately, see server_exec()
* @param command Formatting rules
* @param ... Variable number of formatting parameters
* @noreturn
native server_cmd(const command[], any:...);
* Retrieves the name of the currently played map.
* @param name Buffer to copy map name to
* @param len Maximum buffer size
* @return Number of cells written to buffer
native get_mapname(name[], len);
* Returns time remaining on map.
* @return Time left on map, in seconds
native get_timeleft();
* Returns the game time based on the game tick.
* @note This time is counted up from map start. If the engine is not processing
* this function will return the same value between calls, which makes it
* unusable for profiling purposes.
* @return Game time, in seconds
native Float:get_gametime();
* Returns the maxplayers setting of the current server, that is how many
* clients it supports.
* @note As of AMXX 1.8.3, this value is also exposed through a dynamic constant
* via the MaxClients variable, declared in amxconst.inc
* @return Maxplayers setting
native get_maxplayers();
* Retrieves the name of the currently played mod.
* @note This retrieves the short name of the mod. Example: for Counter-Strike,
* it will copy "cstrike" to the buffer.
* @param name Buffer to copy mod name to
* @param len Maximum size of the buffer
* @return Number of cells written to buffer
native get_modname(name[], len);
* Retrieves the current time using the specified format string.
* @note Uses the strftime C function. For a list of valid format parameters,
* see: http://cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/ctime/strftime.html
* A common example for a format string would be: "%m/%d/%Y - %H:%M:%S"
* @param format Format string
* @param output Buffer to copy formatted time string to
* @param len Maximum size of buffer
* @return Number of cells written to buffer
native get_time(const format[], output[], len);
* Retrieves the provided time using the specified format string.
* @note Uses the strftime C function. For a list of valid format parameters,
* see: http://cplusplus.com/reference/clibrary/ctime/strftime.html
* A common example for a format string would be: "%m/%d/%Y - %H:%M:%S"
* @param output Buffer to copy formatted time string to
* @param len Maximum size of buffer
* @param format Format string
* @param time Unix timestamp, use -1 to use the current time
* @return Number of cells written to buffer
* @error If the conversion process fails, an error will be thrown.
native format_time(output[], len, const format[], time = -1);
* Returns the system time as a unix timestamp (number of seconds since unix
* epoch).
* @param offset Optional offset value in seconds
* @return Unix time stamp
native get_systime(offset = 0);
* Converts time strings to unix time stamp.
* @note Uses the strptime C function. For a list of valid format parameters,
* see: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/ctime/strftime/
* An example for a input/format combination would be:
* Input: "10:32:54 04/02/2013" Format: "%H:%M:%S %m:%d:%Y"
* @note Information missing from the input will be filled with the current
* time and date.
* @param input Time string to convert
* @param format Formatting information for conversion
* @param time If different from -1, the converted time will be added to
* this time stamp
* @return Unix time stamp
* @error If the conversion process fails, an error will be thrown.
native parse_time(const input[], const format[], time = -1);
* Calls a function after a specified time has elapsed.
* @note Please consider using set_task_ex() instead which allows you to
* use named constants for flags instead of letters.
* @param time Time interval to assign
* @param function Function to execute
* @param id Task id to assign
* @param parameter Data to pass through to callback
* @param len Size of data
* @param flags Optional set of flags:
* "a" - repeat timer a set amount of times
* "b" - loop indefinitely until timer is stopped
* "c" - time interval is treated as absolute time after
* map start
* "d" - time interval is treated as absolute time before
* map change
* @param repeat If the "a" flag is set, the task will be repeated this
* many times
* @noreturn
* @error If an invalid callback function is provided, an error is
* thrown.
native set_task(Float:time, const function[], id = 0, const any:parameter[] = "", len = 0, const flags[] = "", repeat = 0);
* Removes all tasks with the specified id.
* @param id Task id to search for
* @param outside Will remove tasks set by other plugins if nonzero
* @return Number of removed tasks
native remove_task(id = 0, outside = 0);
* Modifies the time interval of all tasks with the specified id.
* @param id Task id to search for
* @param newTime New time interval to set
* @param outside Will affect tasks set by other plugins if n