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Often we get the question, "Why switch to AMX Mod X?" Isn't it the same thing as AMX Mod?"
Well, in order to show people the difference, and to convince them to switch, we made this pretty
page, complete with colors and tables.
Find out why the vast majority of major plugin developers, game server providers, and CS community at large, have already switched to AMX Mod X! Click on an entry to see more information.
Optimized - AMX Mod X features advanced optimization techniques, such
as a plugin optimizer which greatly enhances floating point math, and vast speed improvements to
common plugin functions. For game server providers/owners, that means less CPU usage, and more
servers per CPU/machine! Don't believe us? See the benchmarks!.
JIT - Both AMX Mod X and AMX Mod use a "Just-In-Time" compiler, which
rewrites plugins as native machine code for extra speed. The JIT is provided by
ITB CompuPhase, and the AMX Mod X Development Team has done
work on making the JIT as stable and fast as possible.
Development - AMX Mod X
is an Open Source project. Anyone can contribute or obtain the source code at no
cost. Furthermore, AMX Mod X features highly open development policies. Changes
are always committed to a public CVS repository, and users are free to post Bug
Reports, Feature Requests, and patches for the development team. AMX Mod does
not seem to have any active CVS maintained, and the current source code is
unavailable on the forums. There is no formal method to provide bug reports or
talk with developers, and many issues simply go unresolved and even unanswered.
Support - AMX Mod X features a base/generic install with "addon packages"
for a variety of mods, including Counter-Strike (and Condition Zero), Day of Defeat, TFC, Natural
Selection, Earth's
Special Forces, The Specialists, and coming with 1.80, Sven-Coop and BrainBread. AMX Mod is still
fairly harcoded to
Counter-Strike, and does not come with features for an extensive selection of mods.
Installer - AMX Mod X is shipped with a fully automated graphical
installer. It installs AMX Mod X Studio, our official text editor, and the installer tool. The
installer tool can
upload, configure, and install AMX Mod X to any server - Dedicated, Steam, Listen Server, it will even
upload your files
over FTP for you! AMX Mod has no equivalent official tool.
Support - One of AMX Mod X's biggest contributions was a 64bit
port of the Pawn/Small compiler and virtual machine. In fact, AMX Mod X was the first Metamod plugin to achieve AMD64 compatibility. AMX Mod does not run in 64bit mode. However, Valve has stopped maintaining their AMD64 support -- the latest AMD64 engine is missing client cvar querying and VAC2. Furthermore, the JIT is not available on AMD64, meaning a great deal of potential speed is lost. Running HLDS on AMD64 in 64bit mode is unadvised except for debugging/developer purposes.
Multilingual Support - Both AMX Mod X and AMX Mod have multilingual
support built into the default plugins. AMX Mod supports English, German, and French. AMX Mod X
supports, on top of
this, Portuguese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Polish, Serbian, Spanish,
Swedish, and Turkish.
Editor - AMX Mod X comes with a free Studio for editing plugins.
It has auto-completion, code generators, syntax highlighting, a code browser/explorer, and more. You
can even write plugins for the editor!
Believe it or not, it can also compile your plugins and upload them to your server. AMX Mod has no
official plugin editor.
Communication - With AMX Mod X, your plugins can easily
communicate with other plugins with simple natives. Not only is this faster than registering server
commands, but
it lets you write clean, modular code for multi-plugin interaction. AMX Mod has no equivalent.
Events - AMX Mod X lets you create "forwards", or events that can
be intercepted by other plugins. This is very useful for plugins which wish to notify other plugins of
something happening -
say a variable being changed or something happening within gameplay (like a round restart). AMX Mod
has no equivalent.
FakeMeta - AMX Mod X's most powerful module is FakeMeta. It allows for
almost total control over the Half-Life 1 engine. Any function can be intercepted or called, just as
if you were using
Metamod and coding in C++! AMX Mod has no equivalent.
Module SDK - AMX Mod X's Module SDK (M/DK) is a fully backwards
compatible kit for rapidly developing Metamod and/or AMX Mod X compatible modules. Just copy the
files, edit a few lines,
and you're good to go! Furthermore, the Module API features common functions for interacting with
Core, such as getting player
information and creating events inside scripts. AMX Mod's equivalent is highly outdated, relying on
backwards incompatible
headers, a non-abstracted set of API, poor error control (failed modules cause core to crash), and are
largely undocumented.
AMX Mod modules also lack an extensive set of functionality, such as creating plugin events/forwards.
Natives - AMX Mod X lets you create "dynamic natives", or natives
which are implemented inside plugins. This innovative system lets developers create plugins which
provide API. For example,
the official AMX Mod X "GabenMod" plugin lets other plugins register in-game classes. It does this by
creating new natives
that other plugins can use as if it were a module. AMX Mod has nothing equivalent.
Client CVAR
Querying - Did you know that the Half-Life engine can retrieve the
value of CVARs on a client? AMX Mod X has built-in support for taking advantage of this
functionality. AMX Mod does
SQL - Not only is AMX Mod X's SQL API abstracted to work with
multiple SQL types, but it's also far more flexible. With AMX Mod, you can't even do nested queries!
Debugging - AMX Mod X takes great advantage of Pawn 3.0's new
debugging API. When your plugin creates an error, you get a complete trace of your code flow,
including accurate lines of
code, function calls, informative diagnostic errors, and more. Furthermore, your plugin has the
complete ability to catch
errors, extract the available information, and handle it as chosen. AMX Mod doesn't even correctly
support dumping native
names, much less give a full trace of what went wrong.
Control - Imagine the situation where your plugin has three options -
Vault, MySQL, or Binary Vault, for data storage. However, you don't want users to have to enable all
three. AMX Mod X
solves this problem by letting plugins dynamically filter out exactly which modules and natives they
will choose to use.
This powerful and flexible level of control lets your plugin bypass individual natives if necessary.
AMX Mod has nothing